Garrick Wong

A personal site


Hello, I’m Garrick

Previously I finished my BMath at the University of Waterloo majoring in math + a computing minor. I’m currently looking for opportunities. Click here to see my cv, and here to download the full version. I’m not much of a writer but in case I find anything meaningful to talk about I’ll write about it here.

To elaborate a little, I’ve always liked experimenting and learning about new things. And as I grow older in age the more I’m aware of the fact that I’m super lucky to have all of the opportunities I’ve gotten. That’s why I’d love it if I had the opportunity to give back and improve the lives of the people around me (even if it’s just a little). Also, did you know the name “Garrick” apparently means spear king? I didn’t. I guess I can thank the domain name search for discovering my namesake.

Thanks for stopping by! (I don’t know how to use a spear)